(A) Dry / General (project) Cargo Surveys :

 Break bulk surveys.
 Hatch cleanliness surveys.
 Hose test
 Draught and dead weight surveys
 Freeboard surveys.
 On hire / off hire condition surveys.
 On hire / off hire bunker surveys / Bunker Detective (221B) Surveys.
 Cargo hatches free space inspection surveys.
 Onboard cargo stowage inspection / cargo lashing inspection surveys.
 Hull / machinery damage inspection surveys.
 Vessel’s gear operating cycle analysis / Joint Surveys.
 Loss minimization surveys
 Other similar kind of surveys, which are required by agencies attached to maritime trade & Industries / Marine & other underwriters.

  Rake loading / off loading surveys.
 Cargo sampling & weightment / quantification surveys.
 Dry cargo physical analysis surveys.
 Container Stuffing / De-stuffing supervision surveys.
 Pre-shipment inspection of cargo.
 Pre-dispatch surveys.
 Bulk / bagged cargo discharge supervision surveys.
 Bulk / bagged caego loading supervision surveys.
 Machinery cargo discharge / loading supervision surveys.
 Joint inspection of damaged cargo discharged from vessel / received.
 Inter-party claims regarding cargo quantity / damages.

(B) Petroleum & Edible Oil Surveys :

 Tank Inspection for determination for fitness for loading.
 Cargo Sampling
 Ship / Shore tank, cargo quantity / quality determination surveys
 Liquid cargoes discharge / delivery supervision surveys.
 Tank Cleaning/Crude Oil Washing. Bunker Transfer/Disputes.
 Hull / machinery damage inspection surveys.